To contact the international unit, obtain information, request a second opinion or care at the Centre Léon Bérard, please send us an e-mail : ; or call us, from Monday to Friday 9 :00 AM to 5 :00 PM (Paris time) : + 33(0)4 69 85 62 20 or click here to fill our dedicated form for international patient
- COVID-19
International patients’ office: a team dedicated to your needs
A dedicated team is in place to welcome international patients in the best conditions at the Centre Léon Bérard or allow you to benefit from a second opinion by reknown medical experts.

You live in an other country, why choose our institution ?
Multiple reasons can encourage you to receive care in our hospital :
- medical expertise and adequate equipments are not available in your country
- you need a second opinion to confirm or exclude a cancer diagnosis, or establish the most appropriate treatment plan
- you wish good hospitality in order to receive your treatment in a serene environment
Video consulatation, how does it work ?
Given the sanitary crisis due to the COVID 19 outbreak, it is currently very difficult for international patients to receive care on site at the Centre Léon Bérard. We strongly favor to proceed firstly with a video consultation.
A video consultation is a distant medical consult with an expert physician from the Centre Léon Bérard, using a smartphone, tablet or computer equiped with a camera, mircophone and sufficient internet flow. If you wish to pursue with care on site, a quote detailing the treatment plan and its costs will first be established.
All fees must be paid before care starts on site.
Our team is available for you :
In order to answer your questions on the procedure of care in our hospital, to help you fill out your administrative and medical record, to propose the most adapted treatment plan, to establish a quote, to inform you on the nearest accomodations during your stay, and to put you in relation with translation concirge or services,…
During your stay :Welcome you at the Centre Léon Bérard and guide you through your medical trajectory.
After your stay :Establish a link with the health care professionnals in your country that will pursue your care.